Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London
They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy
Terjemah :
Keluarga Bapak Richard sedang berlibur. Mereka adalah Mr dan Mrs Richard dengan dua putra. Mereka pergi ke London. Mereka melihat agen perjalanan dan memesan tiket mereka. Mereka pergi ke Kedutaan Besar Inggris untuk mendapatkan visa untuk memasuki Inggris. Mereka telah memesan empat belas tur hari. Ini termasuk perjalanan dan akomodasi. Mereka juga termasuk tursekitar London
Mereka naik pesawat Boeing besar. Penerbangan itu hampirempat belas jam. Di pesawat para awak kabin yang sangat ramah.Mereka memberi mereka surat kabar dan majalah untuk dibaca.Mereka memberi mereka makanan dan minuman. Ada film untukhiburan mereka. Mereka memiliki penerbangan sangat menyenangkan. Mereka tidur bagian dari jalan.
Setibanya di Bandara Heathrow, mereka harus pergi ke Bea Cukaidan Imigrasi. Para petugas menyenangkan. Mereka memeriksadengan seksama tapi sikap mereka sangat sopan. Mr Richard dan keluarganya mengumpulkan tas mereka dan pergi ke London MejaSelamat Datang. Mereka mengatur transfer ke hotel.
Hotel ini terkenal hotel bintang empat. Ruangan memilikipandangan sempurna dari taman. Ruangan tidak kamar mandisendiri dan toilet. Alih-alih kunci untuk ruangan, mereka memasukkan kunci-kartu untuk membuka pintu. Di lantai ketiga,ada restoran yang menyajikan makanan Asia dan Eropa. Mereka memiliki variasi makanan.
Minggu dua di London berlalu cepat. Pada akhir hari 14-, mereka cukup lelah tapi mereka merasa sangat bahagia
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Children Day's
On Children's Day in 1999, a technology company treated more than 200 underprivileged children to a 'high-tech' experience. They were given training on information technology.
The company wanted to provide opportunities for these children to learn more about the Internet and the latest technology. They wanted to help the less fortunate in the community.
The children had an enjoyable and educational experience that day. They were exposed to the new technology for the first time and they were very interested. The company hoped to conduct many more such training sessions for these children. They fell that the skills the children had would be useful to them when they grew up.
The company was very active in caring for the less fortunate. They even put aside one day a year for their employees to do volunteer work to help the needy. They also donated money to many charitable organisations.
Many people had benefited from their efforts. Many also praised the company for being so generous towards the needy.
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nak Day
Pada Hari Anak pada tahun 1999, sebuah perusahaan teknologimerawat lebih dari 200 anak kurang mampu untuk pengalaman'teknologi tinggi'. Mereka diberi pelatihan tentang teknologi informasi.
Perusahaan ini ingin memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak inibelajar lebih banyak tentang internet dan teknologi terbaru. Mereka ingin membantu yang kurang beruntung di masyarakat.
Anak-anak memiliki pengalaman yang menyenangkan danpendidikan pada hari itu. Mereka terkena teknologi baru untuk pertama kalinya dan mereka sangat tertarik. Perusahaan iniberharap untuk melakukan banyak sesi pelatihan yang lebih sepertiuntuk anak-anak. Mereka jatuh bahwa anak memiliki keterampilanakan berguna untuk mereka ketika mereka dibesarkan.
Perusahaan ini sangat aktif dalam merawat orang yang kurang beruntung. Mereka bahkan menyisihkan satu hari dalam setahunbagi karyawan mereka untuk melakukan pekerjaan sukarela untuk membantu yang membutuhkan. Mereka juga menyumbangkan uang kepada organisasi amal banyak.
Banyak orang telah mendapat manfaat dari usaha mereka. Banyakjuga memuji perusahaan karena begitu murah hati terhadap orang yang membutuhkan.
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Bus was Flowing Right Behind Me
I stayed a night at Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had blocked the road, The next morning, I hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to Barhabise from Tatopani.
I took a seat by the doorside and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The driver started the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road.
The driver tried to avert the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling towards the Bhotekoshi.
I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the shattered glass and plunged into the Bhotekoshi.
The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after that. The rescuers took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness.
I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands and other body parts. Nonetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.
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Bus Mengalir kanan belakang Me
Aku tinggal malam di Sakhuwa dari Gati VDC karena tanah longsordekat Baseri telah memblokir jalan, Keesokan harinya, akumelompat ke bus dengan nomor registrasi Ba 2 Kha 4013 yangsedang dalam perjalanan untuk Barhabise dari Tatopani.
Saya duduk dengan doorside dan ingat bahwa ada sekitar 35penumpang, termasuk saya. Sopir mulai bus. Sebuah kilometer ke dalam perjalanan, aku melihat sebuah parit di jalan.
Sopir berusaha menghindari lobang. Sebelum aku bisa tahu apa yang terjadi, bus mulai melaju menuju Bhotekoshi tersebut.
Aku putus asa untuk bertahan hidup, tetapi menemukan segelasventilator rusak. Aku keluar dari pecahan kaca dan terjun keBhotekoshi tersebut.
Sungai itu membawa aku selama sekitar 35 kilometer dan meninggalkan saya di permukaan dangkal. Aku pingsan setelah itu.Para penyelamat membawa saya ke rumah sakit ketika saya sadar kembali.
Saya dengar kemudian bahwa semua kecuali empat penumpangselamat. Saya menderita luka pada wajah, tangan dan bagian tubuh lainnya. Meskipun demikian, saya merasa bahwa bertahan hidup adalah takdir saya.