Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris – The Influence of Intensive Conversation

Judul : Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris – The Influence of Intensive Conversation

Isi :
Acknowledgments, Table of Content, Chapter I : Introduction, A. Background of The Study, B. Statement of The Problem, C. Purpose of The Study, D. Significance of The Study, E. Scope and Limitation, F. Definition of Key Term, , Chapter II : Review of Related Literature, A. The Meaning of Intensive Conversation, 1. Getting the Conversation Started, 2. Keeping the Conversation Going, 3. Setting Language Learning Goals, B. The Meaning of Speaking Ability, 1. The Problem of Speaking, 2. The Rules of Speaking, 3. Levels of Speaking, C. Hypothesis, D. Frame of Thinking, , Chapter III : Methodology, A. Research Design, B. Population and Sample, C. Instrument of Research, D. Data Analysis, Chapter IV : Data Analysis, A. Researched Variable, B. Description of Data Analysis Result, C. Examination of Hypothesis, D. Test Result of Examination Discussion, Chapter V : Conclusion And Suggestion, A. Conclusion, B. Suggestion.

Rangkuman :
A. Background of the Study

English is an international language which has an important role in the world. In some countries the power language is the official language which is used for government education commerce and international communication. In Indonesian, English is a foreign language that is taught as a subject in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. English is a foreign language used a medium of instruction at school, many students think that English is the most difficult subject.
Today, education is one of the aspect should be completed. The government has made efforts to improve the quality of education. In this case, the government suggested all teachers use teaching method based on the school curriculum.
In learning English, students are hoped to have for skills. They are, listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of them, speaking is the important thing to communicate with other people or foreign people, but the student have difficulties in learning words in a foreign language. The difficulties of finding out the English word and memorizing new words sometimes make the student discouraged and they confused to arrange the word to be a good sentence.
Teaching English in junior high school is different from the elementary level because in this level the student will be easier to learn English words, because the teacher teaches use intensive conversation. The students have to collect many new word (vocabulary) to support intensive conversation. Based on the above statements, the writer tries to discuss the influence of intensive conversation toward speaking ability for third year of MTs XXX Kecamatan XXX Kabupaten XXX.

B. Statement of The Problem
As stated in the background above, the researcher finds the problem as follows :
1. Is there positive relationship and significance of intensive conversation toward speaking ?
2. How far is the intensive conversation efficient toward speaking ability ?
3. In what case does intensive conversation influence the speaking ability ?

C. Purpose of The Study

In the line with the problem formulated, the writer wishes :
1. There is positive relationship and significance of intensive conversation toward speaking
2. To know How far is the intensive conversation efficient toward speaking ability
3. To know In what case does intensive conversation influence the speaking ability

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